Our Team

The Rev. Noah Stansbury

Campus Missioner

Fr. Noah is the ESC’s priest and director. If you have a question about the ESC, he can answer it or find someone who can!

Fr. Noah has been at the ESC since 2022. He previously served at the Episcopal campus ministry at Clemson University in South Carolina.

Email Fr. Noah

Rebekah Johns, LPC

Counseling Center Director

Rebekah manages the counseling program and can help you connect to a counselor.

Rebekah has been on the ESC team since 2018. She holds an M.A. in counseling from the Seminary of the Southwest.

Email Rebekah

MaryJane Plote


MaryJane is an intern from the Seminary of the Southwest, getting hands-on experience with campus ministry as she trains for the priesthood. You’ll see her around on Sundays and throughout the week. Say hi!

MaryJane previously served in campus ministry at the University of Dayton, where she earned an M.A. in pastoral ministry.

Ryan Flanigan

Music Director

Ryan leads our student music team on Sundays. Born Catholic, raised Pentecostal, and educated Evangelical, Ryan focuses on the good in all traditions to create music that is accessible and joyful.

Do you play an instrument or enjoy singing with others? Talk to Ryan about joining the music team!

Email Ryan

Student Leadership

The ESC thrives in large part due to the good and faithful work of the student Vestry. This group coordinates our community life and is a council of advice to the Missioner. The ESC Vestry is a leadership presence within the community, setting an example of what it looks like to embody and extend God’s love to others.

Members of the 2024 Vestry are Sarah Crowder, Will Eagle, Ian Hoff, Pearl Morosky, Malia Palmer, Mary Riley, Cecily Shield, and Adam Varghese.